Thursday, December 12, 2013

How do I connect with others?~

Is it easy to connect with other people of is it really hard? To me I think that it is in between, it’s not too easy and it’s not too hard; you just have to find that person that you have in common with. The way I connect with people is always through things that we have in common, from the books we read, the people we know, the food we love and hate, and the things that we enjoy doing. An important aspect to have to really connect with people is to be a good friend and a good listener… When you do that you might one day find your true friends.

I think that I have a hard time to connect with people at some times because sometimes I really can’t relate to some of the things they talk about. I think that the only reason I connect well with people like that I because I am a really good listener. I have no problems at all when listening to people complain about things or explain things… I actually really enjoy listening to them.
Another way that I connect with people is through my wonderful (colorful) way of communicating them. I have a weird way of communicating with people, I use really messed up grammar ( like right now) and talk as loud as I can… Apparently this brings some sort of a happy mood to them…and the fact that I have a really bad sense of humor.
At time when I can relate with what they say that is when I can really connect with people. Another thing is when I find a person that is almost exactly like me.. (MY SOPHIA)… This prompt is really hard to explain because I really have no idea how to connect with people… I just do some random stuff and then bam… we are friends!

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