Monday, August 26, 2013

Favorite Trip~

During the months of June and July, my school had organized a school trip to Peru in South America; I had attended the trip. On June 13, 20 students and 3 teachers had boarded the plane from Saipan to Lima, Peru; the total amount of time spent flying was around 36 hours non-stop. We were supposed to leave at the 12th but our flight from Saipan to Guam had been cancelled due to the ‘weather’ or something of that sort; delaying us by one day and rescheduling our entire group’s plane tickets. Though through the whole ordeal, I have experienced many new things that not only bring entertainment but a new perspective in things; making the trip one of my favorite.
The trip was during the summer of 2013, I had recently graduated from a sophomore to become a junior. The whole trip had been planned out and we were to visit multiple places in Peru: Lima, Arequipa, Cuzco, Lunahuana, Colca and Puno. During that time Peru had just entered winter and the entire place had been freezing cold, ranging around 60 to 70 degree Fahrenheit; so almost throughout the entire 3 week period everyone in my group wore long-sleeved shirts, long paint and heavy jackets. Though it was freezing cold, the group and I still did what we were supposed to do; we had visited Machu Picchu, Colco Canyon, the hot springs and the sand dunes of Cuzco.
The most memorable part of the trip overall was when the group and I had visited the local children’s hospital to play and make cards with the children. We were all placed in group of two into multiple rooms; I was partnered up with my best friend Sophia. We were stationed in a room with 4 boys ranging from 6-12, each very unique in their own way. Though they only spoke Spanish and we only spoke English, Sophia and I found some pretty weird ways to communicate with them. The only words we knew in Spanish that was relevant to what we were doing was “Muy Guapo” and “Muy Bien”, which made the first 10 minutes with them quite awkward. Once we got to know each other as time passed, the boys soon loosened up to us and everything went well. Being Sophia and Hatsuko, we did the weirdest things we could do to make them happy, we’d go around the room screaming Muy Bien and Muy Guapo, after all that we started letting the little ones play with our Ipods. With the older boys we started to help them make letters for their supposed girlfriends, which was very cute because we told them to write “I Love you” in multiple languages (Saranghae, Mahal Kita, Aishiteru, Wo ai ni). Throughout the entire stay with them, I feel in love with this little boy named Miguel, he was about 7 years old and was the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life; it broke my heart when we had to leave the hospital because I wanted to stay longer and play with them. The most memorable thing that Sophia and I had gotten out of the visit was the two letters Sergio had written for us in Spanish (we had asked out teachers to translate the message for us.).Sergio had written one long one and a short one, the short one almost made Sophia and I cry, it had said “There are no words to describe how happy you made us. Thank you.”

Throughout the entire trip, I had experienced a lot of things; I've experienced the beauty of nature, the advanced technology of the Incas during their time, how to sand board, never go on a bus without a motion sickness pill when you have motion sickness and always eat. (By reading my blog you should already know that I am a fan of food and nothing will change that.) The trip to Peru, so far, has been my favorite trip of all time; I hope one day I can visit again and meet my Miguel. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

It is better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice~

We constantly face problems everyday in our lives, from choosing what to wear or what to eat; some problems are much more extreme and that is where this question comes up. “Is it better to use your knowledge and experience to solve problems than ask other people for advice?” I believe that it is better to use both ways; we make mistakes and by learning from them and by asking others for their help, we can succeed in the future.
People usually choose one way to figure out their problems; most usually fix it themselves with the knowledge they have. I believe that this is a good way to figure out one’s problem but not really an effective way to learn; by having the advantage of learning from your mistakes and asking people how you can later avoid it, one can definitely solve all future problems. Through my 16 years, I have experienced a lot of problems, mainly teenage problems; they are usually problems that are related to school. The constant worry of failing a test, to the pressure of passing the SAT, to excelling in all my classes are the problems that I face every day. I’m not saying that I have never failed a test or anything, it is just some problems I have faced everyday; I have indeed failed 1 or 2 tests so far, and by teaching myself to study, I had slowly solved my problem in passing. This didn't really help that much though, I still struggled on how I would not fail another test; by asking other people with a better study habit that I had, they gave me some helpful advice on how to not fail another test. This advice has worked out good so far, and I have never regretted asking and learning by myself.
Throughout most of my life I have only faced most problems that either deal with school or what to eat. Food isn't really a problem for most people but for me it’s important; deciding whether or not to eat healthy is a problem that I face almost every day. Being a teenager and an athlete makes my decisions hard; first initial is to eat the bad food because it tastes good, but after asking my parents what to eat, they recommended the healthy food. Being me, I did not follow them most of the time. I have already talked about the school problems; they all deal with my preparing to enter college. Though being only a junior in high school, I think that it is important to think about these ahead of time. I think the only major problems that I face today are how to not sprain my ankle, I do not know how but I have sprained both my ankles more than I can count. L
I haven’t really faced any major decision making these past years and I hope it stays that way. My family is known to ‘take’ their time to make decisions; so I haven’t faced any possible problems that I have to use this prompt for. My advice for others out there is not really some advice you should follow; this is a really easy questions for most people to answer so depending on my answer alone is not really a great decision.  Though, as I think about it, my decision is not all that bad; combining both using ones knowledge and others advice, solving problems could be as easy as pie. That is all I can say about the prompt; I hope this has helped in answering anything similar to the prompt I and talking about. Thank you. J

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Love is in the Air~

The word love if quite often used in many term; love can be based on a sexual attraction to another person or a fondness of a friend or family member. Love is defined as:1. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.2. A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.3. Sexual passion or desire.4. A person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.( me love is a powerful emotion, not only used in the terms as passionate affection but as a tender feeling towards someone important. Today’s blog is supposed to be about my favorite love metaphor, and by having defined what love means to me, I found my favorite metaphor. “Love is in the air” was/is the best love metaphor out there; this is because the metaphor is right. Love is a strong emotion, the most used emotion in the world; love can be found from all parts of the world, so immense, that is may actually accumulate the air.Being 16, the first thing people talk about it, “Uh Oh, another teenager that think she knows what love means.” They’re right, I do not know what love is, but to me love is something you cannot take for granted. Because Love is almost anywhere and the word is thrown around without any meaning, the word “love” isn’t taken seriously anymore. To me love means cherishing someone or something that is very important to you; not for any passionate reason but for the feeling of being “wanted” or “comfortable”. “Love is in the air” is something that I take seriously, love is definitely there; though many think that they will be forever unloved, there is someone out there, whom can see you for you and will show you the affection that you have always wanted.Love is something that gives hope to many people, children grow up with the love of their guardians and one day hope to find their “special someone”. Some people believe that they will never love anyone at all, possible but lonely. The emotion of love is something all human beings cannot “push away” and by doing so, they will only experience loneliness.I’m only 16, my version of love is really amateur, the only type of love I have experienced in the love from friends and family, not the passionate affection of another person. By hearing/ seeing the metaphor “Love is in the air”, it gives me hope that not one day will I be lonely, as I have my friends and family to love me no matter what I do (Unless I do something bad like murder…don’t murder, steal, or do bad stuff…it only messes up your life.). Love doesn’t have to be a feeling towards humans, love can also be a term used for things such as colors, animals, ect. For example, I am in love with POLKA DOT, the color PURPLE and FOOD (preferably Korean and Japanese); though this is not something that people take seriously, I do not care…I love it!! JThat’s all I know about love; I’m not really useful in describing love and anything else about it…I am way too young to experience these feeling and there are some things more important than love to me now. I have to focus on getting better grades and getting into a good college; planning you life before experiencing love is really important, by doing so you will have a really nice life. That is all I know about, thank you for reading this, please do not take this seriously, like I said I’m 16.
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Monday, August 12, 2013

Describe Yourself~

          When I hear or see the words “describe yourself”, the first thing that pops in my mind is how? It’s not exactly and easy task to describe yourself when you hardly know who you are yet. Each person has a unique trait that can’t really be explained until you have reached your prime age, at the age of 16, I still need a lot of years to finally find those traits. I can tell you this though, my name is Hatsuko and I’d like to describe myself.

From Left to right (Cathy, Me, Victoria, Minori)
             I am a typical 16 year old girl, not really serious and not really complicated. When people see me for the first time they automatically guess what nationality I am; it’s actually quite funny when I tell them what I am. I am 25% American, 25% Native of Saipan, 25% Palauan and 25% Japanese; this is surely something to fret about. People usually think that its cool being someone so diverse and I agree with them, being so diverse doesn’t feel any different from anyone but apparently it’s great for college applications. Just by taking in that information, you might already guess that I have brown eyes and black hair; of course I have to have these features, it’s because I’m Asian.
            The number one word that is perfect to describe me is outgoing; I love to play multiple sports, join multiple activities and to try new things. I play 3 sports; volleyball, basketball and soccer, but my favorite of all 3 is volleyball. Being 5’4 is not really the definition of tall so when I play any of the sports I feel like a(n) ant. Though being quite small, I always say, “If you have the power then don’t give up!” Besides sports, I have also joined some after school activities, I attend the National Forensics League, where students competing in speech competitions. It’s actually quite fun when you try; it increases your social skills and your ability to be able to perform a speech. Out of all these I thing that trying new things is the one thing that defines my outgoing-ness; I had recently visited Peru and went on multiple activities, from zip-lining to water rafting and my favorite SAND BOARDING!! These are some new things that I have experienced and I am so happy that I did do these activities.
                    I haven’t really been describing myself at all; unlike most American teenagers, academics are a must in my family. I maintain a good GPA, attend after school preparatory classes, and listen to all my teachers. Though I sound like a nerd, I am quite sociable and active in my life; I take time from my busy schedule to have fun and stop overloading my brain. I am quite independent and can fend for myself, and I am certainly someone you would not want to be mean to. I love food, and colored pens; but most of all I love children. Just because I said I love children doesn’t mean that I want one of my own now, I can wait until I am ready, by love I mean that I love playing with them and helping them out. In my Peru trip, my group had helped out at a children’s hospital and I instantly loved every child that I attended to. I had also visited some children at a school called Presscot, also in Peru.  Now, off the children topic, I will tell you what I do not like; I am really an acceptable person and will like mostly anything ESCEPT one thing. I absolutely hate eating Mexican food. I do not want to offend anyone it’s just that I am not accustomed to eating it and the taste is kind of weird for me. Growing up on a small island full of Asians limits my intake of Mexican food; although my parents love Mexican food, I hardly eat it.
                                  That is all I can tell you about me now… I am not really any different from most teens and I do not really cause any trouble so, thanks for reading :)



Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Year's Resolution for the School Year~

     Education has become my top priority since entering high school; acquiring a high GPA and SAT score is my goal throughout the year to get into a good college. Since education seems to be important to me my 3 resolutions consists on school based things. 
                           My 3 resolutions are:
                                   - Develop a better study habit.
                                   - Score above a 1500 on the SAT.
                                   - Memorize word-smart edition.
       My study habit has been lacking since i have entered high school; this is because most of my time is spent socializing, reading and playing sports. Spending time studying for school and after school classes (SAT Preparatory classes) is something that I need to work on. By developing this skill, i will not have a problem learning and in-taking information in the future. This is something I would like to achieve because it will make my mom happy. By developing this skill, I would most likely be able to get into a better college; this is because with the advantage of having a better study habit, focusing on studies will not become a problem. Though this resolution will be difficult and extremely boring, I will please both my parents, my family and myself; so... I have to achieve this goal.
     SAT Scores are my life, my everything; my goal is to score above the average 1500. To achieve this goal, I attend after school SAT preparatory classes, to advance my math, vocabulary and writing skills. I want to score above the average because it will in fact get me into a a good college 60%-70% of the time. (I also do this to make my mom happy.) SAT test are in fact difficult tests, they test each individual skill on specific people; later specifically grading and ranking them into specific scores. SAT scores are very important to colleges, thus important to me, I want to major in medicine, a hard course, and getting a score above the average 1500 will give me a chance to get into a school that has a medical course. 

   Last of all my goals is something no one wants to do; memorizing the word-smart editions. memorizing something similar to a dictionary is not exciting but needed. Word-smart is used constantly in the SAT test and in college courses; so...memorizing is a must. My weakest point is vocabulary so far in my classes; so this ill help me lengthen my vocabulary knowledge. Though this may be the worst resolution that I have to do, i must achieve this goal. By also developing this skill this will guarantee that you, or anyone else, will not have a hard time adapting to the advance vocabulary of a college professor. 
      I know, why is this person writing about her resolutions and why are they really boring. Well, this is an assignment in Journalism to enhance our writing skills. Its boring because I have to be serious about school; majoring in a medical degree is not going to be easy and time consuming. Like my mom says "You are not going to have a social life in college, so why not start now?" I really do not agree with this but I have to listen :(. I also wrote these resolutions because they can be achieved, not like my resolution two years ago where I wanted to do things such as: I wanted to punch a shark and go skydiving. I am in Junior year now, as my mom and daddy say "You gotta act your age and start being serious now, or your college life is screwed!!!" The wise words of my parents are quite depressing but this is the things I have to do:)                     
                                     Thank you very much for reading this~~
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