Thursday, September 26, 2013

What would you write on your gravestone?~

Death hasn't crossed my mind at all throughout all 16 years of my life and I really do not plan on thinking about it later in the future; Life is something to enjoy, and death is not a fun fact about life.  Grave stones are some things that I haven’t thought about at all, they are actually quite important after death because they distinguish who you are, like your teeth and you DNA. Usually basic information of that dead person is written on the gravestone, like their name, birth and death, the main sources for knowing who is in the specific grave.
When I die, I would probably put down my name, birthday, death and a little quote to go with it. I do not plan on having a god awful gray concrete gravestone, I might actually ask someone to make it purple or something. On the purple grave stone, where my dead body lays below, the first thing that would be on there would most likely be R.I.P; the abbreviation is really quite depressing so I plan on making them rainbow colored because that would at least make it a little happier. The second thing that would most likely be written is my name, my birthday and then my death; it’s pretty weird thinking about it, “Here Lies Hatsuko Bearden, may she rest in peace,” gosh that is depressing.
The last thing that I would write on my gravestone is a quote that my teacher and I have somewhat made up for each other. The quote is “What is wrong with being weird?” the significance of the quote is actually very special to me because my teacher always says this to me and I view him as a father figure. I mean, what is wrong with being weird? Wouldn't it be weird if you weren't weird? Being weird makes someone unique in their own way and that is actually something good; I am unique in my own special way, so please do not criticize me.
I am someone with a cheery and happy-go-lucky attitude, where I plan on making people happy rather than sad. Death is not a happy thing, so writing this simple and stupid quote would in fact make my death a little happier. This is a really awkward prompt because it’s pretty weird to talk about what you would want to put on your gravestone; I plan on living for a long time and maybe die around 90 from natural causes. I really do not want to have a big funeral where everyone is crying, I would rather have some sort of memorial service for me where picture and really funny videos are played, because like I said death is not fun, so having this idea is a much more ‘funner’ idea (I know funner is not a real word, it’s just my weird sense of grammar.)
Grave stones are definitely important for someone who will or has died; it’s like a name tag for the dead. Don’t think too hard about what you want to write on your gravestone, you have plenty of time to do that in the future. I you don’t have the time to write one because of early death, let one of your best friends write it for you; maybe my teacher would do that for me when I die. My parents might have some good ideas to write, gosh knows what they would put, they created me and I am immensely weird, so, they’d have the same way of thinking I do… Soooo, that’s all I want to say about my gravestone.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Does the television have a greater effect on people than the telephone?~

The television and the telephone do in fact play a big role in society today; do I believe that the television has a greater effect than the telephone, well…I really do not know. Over the years both devices have advanced, by having additional features such as multiple entertainment apps and the ability to use the internet. Both devices have become quite smaller too, television became thinner (Flat screen televisions) and the telephones became mobile (Cellphones). Once I think about it, I think that the telephone (Cellphones in particular) is far more superior to the television; though both having the almost exact same applications, but it is because the telephone has the advantage of being mobile.
Cellular phones are one of the more far advanced in society than the television; this may be because cellphones are much cheaper than the television. Another reason why I think that the telephone is much more superior to the television is because the telephone (cellphone) is technically a smaller more mobile version of the television. Specific apps on the phone are able to stream live video feed from the internet, from television series to movies. Though the television has the same apps and has the advantage of being larger to provide a much more comfortable viewing of movies, I still think that the telephone is better. Another advantage that they telephone has that the television does not have is the ability to call; this is the only feature on the telephone that does not share the same thing as the television (Skype does not count as calling…I think you know what I mean).

When I think about the televisions and the cell phones, I realize that both the electronics are somewhat equal to each other. I realized that both the electronics are almost always made by the same companies, such as Samsung, LG, and etcetera, making this prompt pretty useless to me. I really do not like comparing these two and seeing which of the two have a greater effects because to me they both have almost and equal effect. When you calculate the percentage of people that have televisions or cellphones, you realize that anyone who has a cellphone is likely to have a television and the same the other way. So again, do I believe that the television has a greater effect than the cellphone…I think my answer is still a(n) I do not know. Though this is my opinion, not all will agree with it; people have the right to believe which of the two electronics is superior, though it would be too difficult to explain. No one is obligated to agree with this and I respect that, I think that I have a much more simple way of thinking this over; I mean I really like my television and my telephone (though I hardly use both) and I appreciate them both equally. If I were to say which had a greater effect on me, I’d say they both entertain me and they both provide some sort of application that benefits me… sooooooo, that’s what I think. :)

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Define Success~

Success is defined as (
  •        A performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors
  •        The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one's goals

Success can be defined in many ways and by many people, sometimes in an extreme or light context. Everyone has their own specific belief of definition of the word success, some in greedy ways and some in very happy ways; sometimes the word success can be a somewhat emotion that is felt, as one can obtain happiness and contempt from the achievement. When someone hears the word success, they can infer that someone has achieved some sort of goal, usually in a positive way. No one really thinks that the success would bring a negative effect; though sometimes that may be the case but not all the time; but usually when someone sees or hears the word it is usually a positive reaction.
Success is something that everyone wants to experience, and when you think about it, everyone has obtained some sort of success in their lives. Usually success is obtained through little things such as passing a test, winning a game, or even getting something that you have always wanted since forever. Other types of success can be obtained through wealth, or achieving extreme goals such as climbing Mount Everest or swimming down the Amazon River (and not dying). Some can also receive success by obtaining emotions such as happiness and pride; this is because when someone is or has been successful, the emotions that they usually feel are these two things. People tend to have really strong emotions toward something they want to obtain or succeed, so when achieving the goal, they experience a whole lot of things.
Many people have they views and definitions on the word success, I myself have a certain view and definition on that word. I believe that the word means:
  •      To obtain one’s goal, either in wealth or simple things.
  •     To obtain extreme feelings of happiness and/or pride.
Those are the two definitions or beliefs that I think defines the words success; though many people do not believe it in the same way, I have my own way of thinking. I myself have experienced some sort of success in my life, from obtaining an ‘A’ on a test, to winning some sort of bet or competition and maybe getting something that I have desired for a long time. I haven’t really experienced any extreme sorts of success because I am not really at the age to do something outgoing. Maybe when I get into a really good college, I might experience my first extreme success but that’s about 2 years from now. I think that my greatest success would be to become a ‘successful’ surgeon, save some lives and such; this would in fact be the greatest success for me ever.

            So, many people have their own definition towards the word success and I respect that; most of you do not have to believe in what I believe in, you’d just have to give it a thought. Anyone can believe in whatever they want to believe in and (I hope) no one would bring them down because of it. Thank you~~~~

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

My Bucket List~

            A Bucket List is defined as:
·         A number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. (google it)
Everyone has their own form of bucket list and so far I really do not have a bucket list, so I’ll just make one now; I already set out plan for my life from graduating high school to dying. So far, I would put down in by bucket list is to graduate high school with a GPA of 3.8-3.9 and an SAT score of maybe 1600-1800; having such a good score in high school is a must and is the first thing on y bucket list. I think that it would be way easier to list these things down so I’ll start out after graduating high school; I’ll explain about them later.
1.      Buy all the school supplies I want to buy!!!~~~
2.      Get into a good college; maybe attend abroad. (SCHOLARSHIPS)
3.      Graduate with a major in pre-med
4.      Attend medical school and graduate as a surgeon
5.      Maybe get into PHS with my daddy, or join the navy
6.      Save lives
7.      Get married
8.      Have kids
9.      Send kids to college
10.  Retire (Maybe teach my profession)
11.  Live a happy life with my husband~
(Random Stuffs~)
12.  Travel the world
13.  Learn how to shoot a gun and/or bow and arrow
14.  Go to Disney World, 6 Flags, Sea World, and Disney Sea with high school friends
15.  Live in Japan or South Korea for about a year.
16.  Punch a shark 3 times
17.  Join a college volleyball team
18.  Join  college basketball team
19.  Join a college soccer team
That is a pretty long bucket list, though I don’t think I consider my lists 1-11 as the bucket list because that is my somewhat schedule for life. I am not going to follow this entirely through but I surely would achieve a lot of these things; I know for sure if I have to energy, I would likely do most of it in no time.
I think that out of all the things (except 1-11), I plan on doing 13, 14, 15 and maybe 17. These things for sure are my favorite one of all because they are the most exciting thing that I could think of right now. I know for a fact that when I grow up I’ll still have my somewhat childish behavior and will certainly be entertained when I do go to Disney land and all; though childish I have a mature side too and want to protect myself from rapists and murderers, so learning how to shoot a gun is something good. I have always been fascinated with bows and arrows as you know if you read my favorite superhero blog, so learning how to even use the thing would surely make my life happy. Another thing that I have always been fascinated about is how life is in South Korea and Japan; I really like the Asian culture (because where I live most of the people are Asian) and want to experience it for myself one day. That’s all I want to talk about in this blog today; maybe in the long run I’ll surely increase my bucket list because you might not know, this will get shorter one day. J

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

If I were to have a super power, what would it be?~

Everyone has a favorite superpower and wish that they actually had the ability; and like everyone else, I want to have that experience too. Throughout all the superpowers know, my favorite so far is the ability to mimic or absorb another person’s superpower; though this sounds terrible evil, I do not mean it in that way. I do not want to permanently copy and have their super power but temporarily have it in that time of need; using it to my advantage in a situation that needs to be dealt with.
The ability to mimic and absorb is as stated, it is the power to copy of take in the any super power by touching the said person. I think this ability is really cool because when you think about it you can have any superpower out there; though it would only be for a temporary time. I know that choosing this super power might sound really selfish and stuff, but I don’t only want one power, I want a power that could be a benefit to society and I. I know for a fact that even with this power I would not use it for granted; well maybe I might actually use it for granted but only for things that aren’t so much bad…I won’t rob a bank or anything, I might just want to use it when I really need to do something that’s important.
The big question though that always comes up is, what side are you on? Are you evil or are you the good guy? To me I think that I am on the good side, I never would think of myself as an evil person; I really do not know how to find out how someone can be evil or not because sometimes people become something completely different in the future. I am 100% sure that I am going to be on the good side; having such a power as the one I have chosen need to be used responsibly, though I might not really be responsible for it. The power that I chose is also something bad because what happens when I am taken captive by the evil people?!! NOOO, I will be used!!! That is the problem about having a power to copy someone else’s power.

I think overall I chose this power as my favorite power because I am not really contempt with just one power. I want to experience all the powers that are known (Even though this will never ever in the entire world will never happen) because…because it’s something that I want to do. I really do not have a specific reason to why I really like this power, I just think that it’s much more entertaining having the ability to copy the power that is known. This prompt is really hard to talk about because I know for a fact that this will never happen; having to talk about something that is quite impossible is entertaining but not really realistic. Ehh, I don’t care if it’s unrealistic, it’s still fun to talk about  superpower, YAYAYAYYAYYAYAY~~~

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Should Cell-phones be allowed in school?~

I attend a school called Saipan International School, where cell phone use is not allowed during the school day. I believe that cell phone use should be allowed during the school day because cell phones are useful in other stuff rather than playing games on it; for instance, calling a parent or listening to music. Today’s prompt asks is cell phones should be allowed during school day, and the answer to that is; YES PLEASE!
I am really not a cell phone person and I hardly use it; though I do not use it as much as my other classmates I still think that it is really something useful in school…sometimes. In SIS, most of my classmates use their phones, a lot, and by having the device allowed, they will not go to the trouble of sneaking them around the school so they won’t get detention. The main reason I think that many of the student want to have their cell phones allowed if because they want to also listen to music; I really do not think that the prompt is specifically talking about cell phone but all electronic devices that resemble a phone. Listening to music is not really a bad thing and the advantage of having so many students listening to music (with earphones) is that they volume in most classes will decrease because most students will not talk. The teachers always complain that the students are way too loud, so having the students use their cell phones to listen to music.
Some may think that having cell phones allowed in school is a bad thing because most will think that students will use their cell phones in classes; that is not the case. We just want to be able to use our phones during breaks, not during classes because its common sense that we are not allowed to play with our phones in class at all. Like I said I am not really a phone person but I do support us using it. Another reason that I think phones should be allowed is that at SIS, most of our lunches are delivered to our school and we need to contact the restraint, being an enclosed private school we are not allowed to go anywhere except our classrooms. Most of the students in SIS order from restraints because to be honest, the menu for our school lunches stink; we are not like normal American high schools where there are varieties of certain foods; we are given some sort of concoction that passes as lunch.
The most important support for the use of cell phones is parent’s calling; some of the students in SIS receive detention for their phone being active at school because their parents are calling and it really isn’t fair. Sometimes parents forget what they are doing and call their child when they are at school; sometimes it emergencies. I also think that some students need to talk to their parents too, so calling them is something that we need to do. Though it really isn't useful for me to protest; this is because most of the teachers are cool, and if we ask them to let us call, they say yes. The only thing though is that if you do not ask permission to use your phone, you get detention.
That’s all I want to say about the cell phone rule in school; I am not really against is strongly but I still want cell phone use to be available. Thank you for reading~~~~~

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What 3 things will make your life perfect?~

There are many things that will make my life perfect, but in this prompt I can only choose 3 things that will make my life perfect. I think that is a difficult prompt to answer because it takes time for a person to realize things that will make their lives ‘perfect’.  My three things that will make my life perfect are my IPod (with internet), my variety of school supplies (multi-colored pens and markers) and FOOD (and water, very Important).
I choose my IPod as one of the three things because like every normal teenager, they can’t live their lives without some sort of electronic. I think I choose the object is because it’s my main object of entertainment, where with internet; I can watch movies, communicate and play games with it. It is also a really useful device (with the appropriate apps) to help with everyday questions; I use my IPod most of the time as an electronic dictionary and an everyday tester for SAT. Not only do I play with the apps on my IPod, but I specifically download apps that are used for reading; I usually spend about half my free time reading books on my iPod. Another use for my IPod is the fact that it helps me throughout time of boredom; so making it one of the three most important things to make my life perfect.
The other thing that makes my life happy is school supplies, preferably multi-colored pens, markers and sticky notes. I do not know why but I have been obsessed with these things for about 2 years now and I still have a great liking towards them.  I think that it is one of the most important things for a perfect life because it just makes me happy. I love to organize things, such as school work, and I also like to draw, sometimes… By having the pens and markers I can color code my work and draw with multiple colors too; by having the sticky notes, I can organize things with the reminders of the sticky notes. Right now, I have multiple (by multiple I mean A LOT) of pens, markers and sticky notes; I have about 3 pencil cases and a pencil box because none of my supplies can fit into one specific pencil case. One of my pencil cases is specifically for pens and pencils (Sometimes I can close it because it too full), the other contains markers and highlighters, and the last one contains more pens and more markers.
The last things that most of the readers that read my blog that I CANNOT live without is FOOD (and water, cause humans can’t live without water). I think that food is the greatest thing in the entire world; I would not hesitate to get food anytime. Do know that even though I love to eat food, I am not fat at all; I am pretty athletic and fit, the reason that I love to eat is because food tastes good!!!! Living on an island, such as Saipan, I experience all sort of different foods; this is because most of the people o Saipan comes from different parts of the world, mostly East Asia and America. By having a variety of different people, there is also a huge variety of food and there are a lot of things to taste. If you were me, living on an island with people that make traditional dishes that tastes good; you’d love to eat too. That is the last thing that will make my life perfect. Thank you

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Were people in the past friendlier than they are today?~

Were people in the past friendlier than they are today? When you think about it, you realize that this prompt is indeed true; most people from the past usually change, and sometimes these changes aren't that great. Most of their innocence has been stripped away due to the fact that they befriend people they shouldn't and experience things they shouldn't at their age.  Some other times, these sudden changes are caused by the use of the internet, where they usually subject themselves to social networking where they decrease the time spent physically talking to someone.
I believe that this prompt is indeed true; most of the people I had once known grew less friendly toward me. Usually the people that I lost touch with turned out to be “Jerks;” they have less respect towards someone they once knew, because they don’t feel obligated to be friendly anymore. The people that are still in touch with me are much friendlier than the people I once knew; maybe because these people took time to know who I was. People usually have a friendlier attitude towards someone they really know; this is because there is nothing to hide and each gained complete trust towards each other.
The people in the past were indeed friendlier than they are today because they weren’t “stripped of their innocence;” usually this is caused by bad decisions and the internet. I don’t mean that the internet is bad, I am totally in love with the internet but this is one of the causes. By bad decisions I mean that the people usually encounter people that aren’t all that great to be with; usually people that are involved with matters that no one should be doing. For example they befriend people that love to inflict pain to other people, which indeed does change the friendly attitude the people in the past had. Another bad decision that the people in the past might encounter is betrayal by a friend or loved one; once this had happened, their whole personality changes. The friendly attitude changes into a more secured mean attitude, so they won’t be subjected to another betrayal.
The internet is indeed another reason why people have become much more “crabby” towards people today. The internet or social networks isolate individual people, keeping them from physically communicating with other people. People usually have a change in attitude as they go through long periods of times without physical communication; they grow a sort of “awkwardness” toward other people. Usually this ends up with them not talking to their friends like they did before and become distant, which is not a great feeling at all. They soon realize that they actually do not like the people they befriend and shun that person, usually acting it out by acting immature and mean.

People in the past were sooooooo much nicer than they are today; I really miss those times that they actually had the courtesy to be nice. I myself have witness people I once new change into some “Jerk” that thinks they know everything; it’s not really something that I enjoy at all. I realized that the only way I can try and make them stay nice forever is to keep in contact with them so that they know me really well; not too well though because they might late hate me and blackmail me. The number one thing though is that you should never ever ever never ever do is betray someone’s trust because this will either get you dead, hurt or missing. So…I agree 99.9% that people in the past were much friendlier than today.

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Who is my favorite superhero?~

     Superheroes are usually seen as an icon throughout most childhood and most adulthood; having one superhero that is much more valued than another is a part of this. When being asked "Who is your favorite superhero?" my answer is always prolonged, this is because I am unsure. I have multiple superheroes that I adore, for instance; superman, wonder-woman, Green Arrow, and Green lantern; out of all four, I think that I favor Green Arrow the best.
     Green Arrow is my favorite superhero so far, not only because he is super awesome even without having superpowers but because that dude can shoot. I have always been obsessed with archery, even though I have never tried to shoot an arrow in my entire life; and by obsessed I mean crazy obsessed. I don't know when it started but I have always been fascinated with the bow and arrow concept, this being the reason why I like heroes that uses a bow. I think that Green Arrow is really cool and stuff; most people choose iron man because of his cool suit, Batman for his gadgets and intelligence; but not me. I think that Green Arrow is the best for me because he is more into combat and agility; he may not be on the strong side but he is indeed cool.
     Another part of Green Arrow that I think makes him an awesome superhero is that his arrows are not all the same. He usually alternates between normal arrows (by normal I mean his really modernized sort of arrow that looks like an arrow but is three times stronger and sharper) and high tech customized arrows. My favorite arrow so far is his exploding arrow; having designed an arrow that explodes at a precise time is pretty cool, if he had no mercy at all, he'd use these all the time and just blow up his enemies. These arrows are a huge part of his character, hence the name "Green Arrow", though its quite ironic how most of his arrows aren't green at all, he just calls himself the name because of the god awful color he dresses up as. I'm not trying to be offending, but jeeez, why does he have to be green, I mean, why can't he be a cool color like his apprentice.
     I really like Green Arrow the best out of all the superheroes out there, though I preferably stay within the DC Superhero category. He is really precise with his aim, which makes him even more cooler than before, I mean, who wouldn't be impressed with a guy that can shoot a long stick with a shark edge with a stick string thing into a target that is 100 feet away from him. Though he wears that godawful green suit and hat, that somewhat seems more like a robin hood impersonator, I still think of him as my favorite superhero :).

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Which of the seven sins am I most guilty of?~

There are 7 deadly sins known throughout the world; Greed, Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Wrath, Envy, and Sloth.
- Greed is defined as an excessive desire for a possession or wealth.
-Pride is defined as have an extreme sense of being proud.
- Gluttony is defined as excessive intake of food or certain beverages.
-Wrath is defined as a strong feeling of vengeance.
-Envy is defined as a feeling of wanting something that someone else has
-Sloth is defined as the act of being extremely lazy.
When someone asks you what sin you are guilty of, my answer would be that I am guilty of being a sloth. I am the pure definition of being a sloth, all I do is sleep, eat, sleep some more and do nothing but laze around at home. I really don’t think that being a sloth though can be considered as a sin, even though we ‘sloths’ waste our times doing nothing, we still contribute in some other way. Just because someone is considered a sloth does not mean that we are some type of hippie, or vermin; we are just too lazy to do things, for example me.
I am a hard working student, I do all my work, exercise and go to my afterschool classes, heck I eve maintain a GPA of 3.9; it is just that I am too lazy to do it on time. This is what I call ‘PROCRASTINATING”, I think that this is my favorite word of all time, even though this is a bad thing because all my effort is just for waste. I usually procrastinate on things such as homework; you can’t blame me though, I am only human and what normal human being would do their homework on time? I do not want to sound like a bad student because of what I am typing; it is just that the stress of school is to overwhelming, with all the stuff that has to be done with college and all.
Another part that truly defines me as a sloth is that I LOVE LOVE LOVE to sleep; I think its genetics that makes me love the feeling of sleeping, my entire family loves to sleep. No one can deny that the thing that they most love during a stressful day is sleep; this is because that sleep always eases the mind. It is prove fact that sleeping is the number one answer for stress; do not dare deny this fact because I know everyone loves to sleep….even people with insomnia. Besides sleeping, I love to laze around and read books, books are wonderful things, but sometimes I get lazy and don’t want to turn the page. I just realized that talking about being a sloth is not actually a good thing; I mean, being lazy is awesome but when I think about what I want to do in the future, I won’t succeed if I am this lazy. Well no one can blame me I’m 16 for goodness sake, this is the time in my life where I can be lazy and do nothing. When I start college, that is when I will start not being lazy and stuff…I’ll try my hardest, and it will not be the happiest part of my life.
Well, so…I am most guilty of being a sloth and I am proud of that; I know that when I reach a certain age, this might change but for now being a sloth is perfectly fine. Just lazing around and living life calmly is my motto and if I do this I know I can prepare myself  for the future… Happy happy happy~~

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